Output Formats
Picolo Alert can deliver its acquired images in the following formats.
- Packed RGB color formats:
- RGB15
- RGB16
- RGB24
- RGB32
- Planar RGB color formats:
- Packed YUV color formats:
- YUV411 Fourcc: Y41P
- YUV422 Fourcc: YUY2
- YUV444 Fourcc: IYU2
- Planar YUV color formats:
- YUV411PL Fourcc: Y41B
- YUV422PL Fourcc: Y42B
- YUV444PL
- YUV411PL with chrominance decimation Fourcc: YUV9, YVU9
- YUV422PL with chrominance decimation Fourcc: I420, IYUV, YV12
- Monochrome formats:
- Y8