I/O Signaling
MultiCam provides 3 easy ways to manage I/Os signaling in applications:
- With the callback signaling, a dedicated thread is started as soon as a specified event occurs.
- With the waiting signaling, the application waits for a specified event to occur.
- With the OS event signaling, the events are reported and managed through the Windows mechanisms.
MultiCam Parameters
- Each signal generated by MultiCam is associated with an MCSIGNALINFO structure.
- With the callback signaling method, the callback function is registered with the McRegisterCallBack function.
- With the waiting signaling method, the MultiCam McWaitSignal function is used.
- With the OS event signaling method, the event is handled by Windows functions such as WaitForSingleObject, WaitForMultipleObjects, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects. The MultiCam function McGetSignalInfo provides information about a particular signal.
- Signals are enabled through the SignalEnable parameter that can be set to ON or OFF.
- The signals are designated by the association of the input pin as defined in the MultiCam documentation and one of the 3 possible events: GOHIGH, GOLOW and GOOPEN.
McSetParamInt (My_board,
MC_SignalEnable + MC_IN2 + MC_SIG_GOHIGH,