MultiCam Boards Documentation > MultiCam Documentation > MultiCam User Guide > General Topics > Cameras Topics > Line-Scan Camera Topics > Camera Operating Modes

Camera Operating Modes

There are six operating modes, each of them being identified by a symbol as follows:

First letter of the symbol:

Second letter of the symbol:

Note. Some cameras may be configured to behave according to more than one mode from the list before. However, in a given application, only one mode is in use.

Controlled cameras




Grabber-controlled line-scanning, grabber-controlled exposure, single signal

Exposure duration defined as the active duration of a pulse over a single line issued by the frame grabber.


Grabber-controlled line-scanning, grabber-controlled exposure, dual signal

Exposure duration defined as the active duration of a pulse over a dual line issued by the frame grabber.


Grabber-controlled line-scanning, camera-controlled exposure

Exposure duration set through camera switches or serial control. Line-scanning is triggered by a pulse over a line issued by the frame grabber.


Grabber-controlled line-scanning, permanent exposure

No exposure control capability, resulting in permanent exposure. Line-scanning is triggered by a pulse over a line issued by the frame grabber.

Free-running cameras




Free-running, camera-controlled exposure

Exposure duration set through camera switches or serial control. Line-scanning is free-running.


Free-running, permanent exposure

No exposure control capability, resulting in permanent exposure. Line-scanning is free-running.