What is a Grabber?
A grabber is a set of hardware resources owned by a frame grabber.
Many Euresys frame grabbers are able to incorporate several grabbers operating simultaneously. This effectively results into several independent frame grabbers within a single board.
When several grabbers cannot be operated simultaneously, it is still possible to handle several cameras. The grabber (or set of grabbers) is used in a time-multiplexed fashion. This is called "grabber switching". The grabber is successively allocated to each camera to take control over it and acquire from it a video frame or page.
A frame buffer-based grabber will deposit frames or pages into the on-board frame buffer, and subsequently into the host memory.
A FIFO-based grabber will deposit frames or pages directly into the host memory.
See specific definitions of a grabber in the documentation topics related to Domino and Grablink series.