MultiCam Boards Documentation > MultiCam Documentation > MultiCam User Guide > The Board Object > Board Information > Board Identification: Addressing a Board > Code Examples to Access Board Information > Code Example: How to Gather Board Information?

Code Example: How to Gather Board Information?

The following code scans all installed MultiCam-compliant boards, and builds a database containing their information relative to name, serial number and type.

MC_CONFIGURATION is the C identifier used as a handle to the configuration object. This object has not to be explicitly instantiated.

MC_BOARD is the C identifier used as a handle to the board object. This object has not to be explicitly instantiated.

The Status variable can be used for error checking.


//Defining the database structure type

typedef struct
  char BoardName[17];
  INT32 SerialNumber;
  INT32 BoardType;

//Variables declaration

INT32 BoardCount;
INT32 i;

//Connecting to driver

Status = McOpenDriver(NULL);

//Getting number of boards

Status = McGetParamInt(MC_CONFIGURATION, MC_BoardCount, &BoardCount);

//Scanning across MultiCam boards

for (i=0; i<BoardCount; i++)

  //Fetching the board name (String MultiCam parameter)

  Status = McGetParamStr(

  //Fetching the board serial number (Integer MultiCam parameter)

  Status = McGetParamInt(

  //Fetching the board type (Enumerated MultiCam parameter)

  Status = McGetParamInt(

//Disconnecting from driver

Status = McCloseDriver();