Acquisition Sequence
An acquisition sequence is a succession of acquisition phases. Each acquisition phase corresponds to a period of time when a channel uses a grabber to accept an individual image from a camera, and to deliver it to the destination cluster.
The circumstances directing the occurrence of acquisition phases are explained in MultiCam Triggering.
The acquisition sequence fundamentally belongs to a channel. This means that each channel is allowed to activate one acquisition sequence for its own purpose. When a channel has activated one acquisition sequence, it is not allowed to activate an additional one.
If two acquisition sequences are needed for a same camera, two channels will be created. This makes possible to acquire images from an identical source under different modalities, such as different refresh rates or destinations.
The acquisition phases are closely matched to a grabber. This means that several acquisition sequences can simultaneously post request to a common grabber for acquisition phases to occur. In this situation, MultiCam uses the automatic switching mechanism.