MultiCam Boards Documentation > MultiCam Documentation > MultiCam User Guide > MultiCam Basics > Parameters > Parameter Types

Parameter Types

A parameter holds a value, and MultiCam requires the type of this value to be consistently known and used.

Parameter types




An integer parameter is coded as a 32-bit signed integer value.


A floating-point parameter is coded as a 64-bit floating-point value.


A string parameter is an ordered set of ASCII characters.


An enumerated parameter holds a particular value chosen among a set of known possibilities.


An instance parameter is able to host a handle designating the instance of a class object.

Some MultiCam parameters exist as a collection. This applies to any parameter type.

A collection parameter is a container able to host several values of the same type. In other words, it provides a way to reach several parameters of the same type using a single parameter name.

Collection parameter types



Integer collection

Set of integer parameters

Floating-point collection

Set of floating-point parameters

String collection

Set of string parameters

Enumerated collection

Set of enumerated parameters

Instance collection

Set of instance parameters