Next Index Evaluation
After each acquisition, the cluster mechanism invokes an internal evaluation function which determines the index of the next surface to be elected for acquisition.
MultiCam looks at each surface in the cluster, starting with the current filling index and wrapping-around to zero, and selects the first FREE surface it finds.
If it cannot find a FREE surface in the cluster, MultiCam tries to recycle a FILLED surface: if it can find one or several FILLED surfaces, the oldest one becomes FREE (it is recycled) and is used as the destination for the next acquisition. If it cannot recycle a surface, the acquisition is skipped.
In some exceptional situation, the evaluation may fail to find a surface suitable for election. In this case, the signal Cluster Unavailable is issued.
Manual selection of the destination surface
Parameter SurfaceIndex allows an application to select the next filling index, i.e., the index of the next destination surface.
Manipulating this parameter is usually unnecessary and should only be used as an expert setting.