Trigger Decimation
Note. The trigger decimation feature is available on Grablink Quickpack CFA PCIe only.
This feature enables you to control the acquisition rate from an electrical signal by setting the appropriate decimation factor. This is useful when you have an electric signal at a rate that is a multiple of the desired acquisition rate.
Acquisition rate and trigger decimation, with TrigDelay_Pls = 4 and NextTrigDelay_Pls = 3
The trigger decimation feature is applicable to both SNAPSHOT and HFR acquisition modes.
TrigDelay_Pls specifies the number of detected pulses on the hardware trigger line to be skipped after the acquisition sequence begins. Grablink Quickpack CFA PCIe allows any integer value ranging from 0 up to 65536. The default value is 0. Grablink Quickpack CFA (PCI) allows exclusively the default value.
Note. TrigDelay_Pls is relevant only when the hardware trigger is enabled for the initial phase of the acquisition sequence.
NextTrigDelay_Pls specifies the number of detected pulses on the hardware trigger line to be skipped between successive acquisition phases. Grablink Quickpack CFA PCIe allows any integer value ranging from 0 up to 65536. The default value is 0. Grablink Quickpack CFA (PCI) allows exclusively the default value.
Note. NextTrigDelay_Pls is relevant only when the hardware trigger is enabled for the subsequent acquisition phases of a multi-phase acquisition sequence.