This documentation describes both Picolo Alert PCI and Picolo Alert PCIe boards. Whenever the exposed matter is relevant for both variants, we will use the generic terms Picolo Alert. This documentation also describes Picolo Alert Compact PCI and Picolo Alert Compact PCIe boards. Whenever the exposed matter is relevant for both variants, we will use the generic terms Picolo Alert Compact.
Picolo Alert RC (PCI) and Picolo Alert RCRB (PCI) are other variants of Picolo Alert (PCI). They have exactly the same characteristics than Picolo Alert (PCI) without the BNC connectors, and without the 75Ω-termination switch.
Picolo Alert RCRB PCIe is a variant of Picolo Alert PCIe. Picolo Alert RCRB PCIe has exactly the same characteristics than Picolo Alert PCIe without the BNC connectors, without the 75Ω-termination switch, and without bracket.
The B0_0 and B0_1 revisions of the Picolo Alert (PCI) boards are devoid of the following features:
- Professional I/O
- Watchdog
- VEB presence detection