Trigger Decimation
The trigger decimation feature applies:
- When a hardware trigger source is selected for the area-scan acquisition modes.
- When a hardware page trigger source is selected for the line-scan acquisition modes.
Acquisition rate and trigger decimation, with TrigDelay_Pls = 4 and NextTrigDelay_Pls = 3
TrigDelay_Pls specifies the number of detected pulses on the hardware trigger or page trigger line to be skipped after the acquisition sequence begins. Possible values range from 0 up to 65536. The default value is 0.
NextTrigDelay_Pls specifies the number of detected pulses on the hardware trigger or page trigger line to be skipped between successive acquisition phases. Possible values range from 0 up to 65536. The default value is 0.
Note. NextTrigDelay_Pls is irrelevant for the WEB and LONGPAGE acquisition modes.