Trigger/Endtrigger Delay
For area-scan cameras, the board provides the capability to delay the hardware trigger signal by a user-programmable amount of time. The delay is specified as an integer number of µs by means of the TrigDelay_us parameter. The value range is 0 to 2,000,000 (2 seconds). The default value is 0.
For line-scan cameras operated with the PAGE or the LONGPAGE acquisition modes, the board provides the capability to delay the hardware trigger signal by a user-programmable amount of downweb lines. The delay is specified as an integer number of "downweb lines" by means of the PageDelay_Ln parameter. The value range is 0 to 65,534. The default value is 0.
For line-scan cameras operated with the PAGE or the LONGPAGE acquisition modes, the board provides the capability to delay the hardware endtrigger signal by a user-programmable amount of downweb lines. The delay is specified as an integer number of "downweb lines" by means of the EndPageDelay_Ln parameter. The value range is 0 to 65,534. The default value is 0.
Note. The "downweb line rate" is the rate at which the frame grabber acquires lines. It is equal to the camera line rate when the frame grabber is configured to capture all lines. When the frame grabber performs "downweb resampling", the "downweb line rate" might be different than the camera line rate.
Note. When the downweb line rate is linked to the web speed through an encoder, the delay represents a fixed length on the web.