Operating Limits
When LineCaptureMode is set to PICK or ALL, the downweb line rate may not exceed the maximum camera line rate.
The maximum effective camera line rate is the highest line rate that the line-scan camera can achieve in the operating conditions. It can be evaluated using following formula:
- For free-running operation modes: LxxxxSP and LxxxxSC, it is mandatory to set the LineRate_Hz parameter to a value equal to (or smaller than) the actual camera line rate.
- For grabber-controlled rate operation modes: LxxxxRP, LxxxxRC, LxxxxRG, and LxxxxRG2, it is mandatory to set the LineRate_Hz parameter to a value equal to (or smaller than) the maximum rate allowed by the camera.
- For grabber-controlled exposure operation modes: LxxxxRP, LxxxxRG, and LxxxxRG2, the exposure time is defined by means of exposure control parameters.
- For grabber-controlled rate and camera-controlled exposure operation mode: LxxxxRC, it is mandatory to set TrueExp_us to a value equal to (or higher than) the actual exposure time.