Port Usage Selection
OutputConfig and OutputFunction are Board class MultiCam parameters belonging to the Input/Output Control category.
OutputConfig is a set-only collection parameter that must be used by the application software to configure an output port for a particular usage.
OutputFunction is a get-only collection parameter that reports the actual function assigned to the output port designated.
Note. The ports are individually designated by their I/O index. The I/O indices of the corresponding member can be found in General-Purpose Output.
The following state diagram shows the 3 states of OutputFunction and all the possible inter-state transition:
OutputFunction state diagram
The "UNKNOWN" state means that the function of the output port is not known by the MultiCam Board object. The output port is then free to be used by a MultiCam channel for strobe output or SyncBus driver functions. Setting OutputConfig to FREE forces immediately OutputFunction to the value UNKNOWN. This is the default state after board startup.
The "SOFT" state means that the output port is directly under control of the application software for general-purpose usage. Setting OutputConfig to SOFT forces immediately OutputFunction to the value SOFT.
The "EVENT" state means that the output port is driven by the respective event signal generator for the event signaling usage. Setting OutputConfig to EVENT forces immediately OutputFunction to the value EVENT.