MultiCam Boards Documentation > MultiCam Documentation > MultiCam User Guide > General Topics > Line-Scan Inspection Topics > Triggering a Line-Scan Camera > Internal Line Triggering

Internal Line Triggering

This mode is effective when the MultiCam parameter LineRateMode is set to PERIOD.

In this mode, the trigger pulse sequence is issued by the Grablink frame grabber internally at a pre-defined rate.

Internal line triggering

The MultiCam parameter Period_us should be used to set the desired rate. This parameter simply sets the line period and is expressed in microseconds.

To reach a line period of 1 ms (i.e. a line frequency of 1 kHz), you have to set Period_us parameter to 1000.

In addition, the MultiCam parameter PeriodTrim may be used to modify the periodic frequency using a logarithmic scale from –6 dB up to +12 dB. It applies following correction:


Effective trimmed period


Period_us x 0.5


Period_us x 0.7




Period_us x 1.4


Period_us x 2


Period_us x 2.8


Period_us x 4

Take into account the line frequency limits introduced above to avoid programming a too short period.