LONGPAGE Acquisition Mode
This mode is intended for image acquisition of long or variable size discrete objects from a line-scan camera.
The ActivityLength parameter specifies the number of sequences within the channel activity period. Each sequence is capable to acquire SeqLength_Ln contiguous lines.
A sequence is divided in phases, each phase acquiring PageLength_Ln lines. The LONGPAGE acquisition mode is applicable to any line-scan camera.
The LONGPAGE acquisition mode is explicitly invoked by assigning value LONGPAGE to AcquisitionMode.
When invoking the LONGPAGE acquisition mode:
- The ActivityLength parameter is enforced to INDETERMINATE. The channel remains active at the completion of the sequence.
- The PhaseLength_Pg parameter is enforced to 1. A single page is acquired during an acquisition phase.
- The PageLength_Ln parameter is automatically set to a working value. However, the page length can be enforced by setting PageLength_Ln. The minimal applicable value is the camera line rate divided by 500.
- The sequence length is specified by SeqLength_Ln. Assigning a value -1 enforces an indefinite acquisition sequence.
- The TrigMode parameter establishes the starting condition of the sequence and consequently the starting condition of the first slice of the first phase of the sequence. Possible values are IMMEDIATE, HARD, SOFT, and COMBINED. The default MultiCam setting is COMBINED.
- The NextTrigMode parameter is enforced to REPEAT. This ensures that no lines are missed between subsequent acquisition phases.
- The PageDelay_Ln parameter can be used to insert a delay between the hardware trigger signal and the page trigger event.
- The EndTrigMode parameter establishes the conditions of a sequence termination. When EndTrigMode = AUTO, the sequence terminates automatically after the acquisition of the specified number of frames. When EndTrigMode = HARD, the sequence terminates upon an external End Trigger event.
- The BreakEffect parameter establishes the effect of a user break on the channel. When set to FINISH, it ensures the integrity of the last acquired sequence long page even when the user break event occurs during its execution; this is the default value. When set to ABORT, the effect of the user break is immediate (at line boundary); the current acquisition might be incomplete; the portion of image already acquired is available. Note when SeqLength_Ln is not multiple of PageLength_Ln, the last acquired page is partially filled despite the FINISH setting.
- The Elapsed_Ln parameter reports the number of acquired lines in the sequence
- When the sequence length is defined (SeqLength_Ln ¹ -1), Remaining_Ln reports the number of remaining lines in the sequence.