This board can generate external signals synchronized with the image acquisition, to interact with other parts of an industrial system. Different I/O lines with a variety of electrical interfaces, and different conditions, can be configured to activate these external signals.
MultiCam Parameters
- With a PxxSC or a PxxRC camera, the StrobeMode parameter can be set to NONE, MAN, or OFF.
- With a PxxRG camera, the StrobeMode parameter can be set to NONE, AUTO, or OFF.
- The StrobeCtl parameter defines the electrical interface. It can be set to:
- OPTO for a opto-isolated line,
- TTL for a TTL compliant output line,
- ITTL for a TTL compliant isolated output line,
- IOC for an open-collector compliant isolated output line,
- IOE for an open-emitter compliant isolated output line.
- The polarity of the electrical signal that is sent as a strobe is selected with the StrobeLevel parameter. It can be set to:
- The strobe line is associated to an I/O line with the StrobeLine parameter. It can be set to: