MultiCam Boards Documentation > MultiCam Documentation > MultiCam User Guide > General Topics > Line-Scan Inspection Topics > Triggering a Line-Scan Camera > Rate Converter-Based Triggering

Rate Converter-Based Triggering

This mode is effective when the MultiCam parameter LineRateMode is set to CONVERT.

Rate converter-based triggering

The hardware line used is selected with MultiCam parameter LineTrigLine. The MultiCam parameters LineTrigCtl and LineTrigFilter are used to select the appropriate signal style and filter.

However, in the rate converter mode, the trigger pulses sent towards the frame grabber are not a copy of the system trigger pulses applied to the frame grabber.

The Grablink frame grabber includes a special device called a "rate converter".

The rate (or frequency) of system pulses sensed at the selected hardware line is converted into a pulse train towards the camera at a different rate (or frequency).

The system trigger rate and the camera line trigger rate are electronically maintained in a constant ratio. This ratio can be programmed to suit the application needs.